Five outdoor activities that boost a good health

healthy and Happy

Good health goes hand in hand with physical fitness. Irrespective of your weight, size or even your shape, physical activities have been proven to be the best way of ensuring that you keep fit. Keeping fit ensures that you can keep away from diseases especially those that are associated with lifestyle. A good example being obesity as well as diabetes. To maintain good health and keep fit, you must not always do your exercises at the gym.

This can be achieved by doing or engaging yourself in various outdoor activities. This will ensure that you maintain your health and keep you away from diseases. Below are the five main outdoor activities that you can engage in to boost your good health.


Healthy walkingThis is one of the best outdoor activity that you can engage in to boost your good health. Many people own private cars, and this makes them remain dormant the whole day. This is because they drive to work, park near the door and just get in the lift which propels them to their workstation. It is advisable that you endeavor to use public transport from time to time or even park your vehicle away from the office. This will ensure that you walk some distance and this will exercise some parts of your body leading to good health.


Most people go for swimming as a way of enjoyment or attaining relaxation. However, swimming is a major outdoor activity that one can utilize in boosting good health. Research has shown that swimming is one of the activities that exercise almost every part of your body including your mind. It is therefore advisable to always go for swimming whenever you have time since this will act as a booster to your good health.


Healthy hikingThis is another activity that one can utilize to boost their health. Many people take hiking as a sport and not a fitness activity. However, it has been proven to be a major outdoor activity that can be used to improve your health. Hiking improves your muscle strength, your cardiovascular capacity as well as your immune system. It triggers your body to release the feel-good hormones like serotonin and oxytocin.


Playing has been taken by many as a sport rather than a fitness activity. However, it forms one of the main outdoor activities that you can utilize in maintaining your good health. People who play regularly are always fit. These include games like football, volleyball or even tennis. Playing with your children or even friends makes fitness an enjoyable moment. Playing increases your stamina, motion in joints, metabolism as well as your heart health.


This is another wonderful outdoor activity that one should utilize. It is great for your body. This includes digging, trimming, hoeing as well as lugging plants. All these activities help in building your stamina, dexterity, and endurance. Beyond the fitness you gain from gardening, you can grow fresh homegrown produce which is better for your health as compared to genetically modified foods.

There are many outdoor activities that an individual can utilize to boost own health. The activities discussed above are among the best. It is worth noting that one should never assume that good health will come automatically. It is usually achieved as a result of own effort and motivation. This will help in keeping you away from diseases.…

Cappuccino is good for your health


Cappuccino is a type of coffee made of steamed milk and a shot of espresso.

Cappuccino is good for health (2)

It is a very popular drink in Italy.

Many people still assume cappuccino is bad for health.

The truth is that although an excess of something is not good, when taken in moderation, cappuccino is good for health. Here are some benefits derived from drinking cappuccino.

Cappuccino Can Protect Against Heart Diseases

Cappuccino is not just a beverage. It contains powerful antioxidants that check on the cholesterol level in the body.

For individuals who suffer from certain chronic conditions such as heart disease, cappuccino can lower the risk of death when consumed in the right amounts.

It May Lower the Risk of Stroke

Cappuccino is good for health (1)Closely related to heart diseases, regular drinkers of cappuccino have a lowered risk of stroke.

This is very important for women with a higher risk of getting a stroke.

According to studies conducted by American Journal of Medicine, women who drank several cups of cappuccino everyday reduce their risk of stroke by twenty percent.

Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

People who drink a lot of cappuccino every day, about five or more cups are less likely to have type two diabetes.

This form of diabetes occurs when the body starts resisting its own insulin.

On top of the antioxidants in cappuccino that prevent tissue damage, cappuccino also contains minerals that promote proper use of insulin in the body.

According to a study conducted in 2012, cappuccino contains a compound that prevents the development of type 2 diabetes.

Cappuccino Reduces Some Types of Cancer

Since cappuccino contains coffee, increased consumption can decrease the risk of cancer.

Individuals who drink more than four cups of cappuccino every day have a 50 percent lower risk of contracting oral cancers.

Regular consumption of cappuccino can also help to prevent a very common type of skin cancer.

It reduces the risk of contracting colon cancer, liver cancer and reduces the risk of getting liver cirrhosis.

Cappuccino Is Good For the Teeth

Everyone believes that all one can end up after consuming cappuccino regularly is stained teeth.Cappuccino is good for health (1)

However, people who drink it regularly have lower chances of getting tooth cavity.

Roasted coffee beans in cappuccino have been known to have several anti-bacterial properties.

Cappuccino has also been known to promote digestion. It is has been observed that people rush to the washroom few minutes after drinking a cup of cappuccino.

This is because cappuccino clears out the digestive system.


You can enjoy your cappuccino in several ways.

At the very least, cappuccino brings satisfaction and enjoyment in life.

However, there are endless health benefits that come with consuming it.…